'To this day, Titanfall 1 is still on sale on the Origin, and more recently Steam, even though it is unplayable. This content is hosted on an external platform, which will only display it if you accept targeting cookies. Players are being given this 'Important Message' after finishing a match. 'This issue has been happening for years and Respawn is willingly pretending that they do not know about the situation. 'Titanfall 1 is currently unplayable on PC due to hacker(s) using exploits that prevents players from being able to play the game,' the explanation adds (thanks, Apex Legends News). Today this game is still being sold, while being completely unplayable. 'The Titanfall community has been begging Respawn to fix this issue for over three years, but to no avail. 'Titanfall is a beloved franchise by many, and hacker issues have been at rise ,' a statement on the website concerned insists. Affected players are seemingly unable to access other game modes, essentially blocking them from playing at all. Players are also getting an 'important message' at the end of each match that requests players 'visit and repost ', a website that's been online since at least March 2021.